Merely interacting with your group of remote employees isn’t enough! It’s very important to make sure you build a working relationship with them. These awesome tips lay the groundwork for properly leading a remote team.
Use the Right Tools
Video meetings, IMing, and emailing are all effective ways to keep in contact. Decide which ones work best, and how often you’d like to see these communications. Maintaining a group calendar is extremely helpful, so nobody is left out of group-wide announcements. Do some research to find the best tools, based on your team’s needs.
Here is a list of tools that we would and already have recommended in our blog post series “The Challenges of Remote Working”. Check this brief list and choose the ones you like most.
- For Task Management
2. For Notes and Documents
3. For Time Management
4. For Email Management
- Mailbird (Windows)
- Unibox (Mac)
- Unroll.Me
- FollowUpCC
5. For Video Meetings
- Skype
- Hangouts
- Veeting Rooms
- Whereby (former AppearIn)
6. For Time Zone Scheduling
7. For Calendars
- Mailbird Native Calendar coming soon!
- Google Calendar
- Kin Calendar
8. Human Resource Management
9. Messaging/Chat
10. File Storage
11. For any other tools you might need
Get the team on board with those tools
Find the right tools for your team, and stick with them. Once you’ve found the most effective programs, make sure you hold a training session — don’t just assume people will pick them up right away. Keeping an open line of communication during the implementation of these tools is key to their success.
Have meetings over voice calls
It’s important to maintain both voice and text communication. Since the vast majority of the time, we communicate via email or IM, the tone can be lost in translation. By checking in through a call on a regular basis, you’ll make sure your entire team is on the same page. Interacting with the team in real-time is essential to maintain the aforementioned “water cooler” culture. It allows everyone to bond as people, more than can be attained solely through a screen.
Ensure they have access to great Internet and mobile connection
Without a solid Internet connection, it’s impossible to communicate and work effectively. Make sure that everyone has strong connectivity, and for those with spotty coverage, offer a reliable mobile hotspot. This could be in shape of a membership at the nearby Co-Working Space for example. Taking these steps shows you care about your employees, and it mitigates potential technical issues. This is a mutually beneficial and affordable step for both parties.
Taking these steps shows you care about your employees, and it mitigates potential technical issues. This is a mutually beneficial and affordable step for both parties.
Set the expectations and culture for the team
Your actions set the tone for the way in which your team interacts amongst peers and higher-ups. By making yourself available no matter what, while practising tight, frequent communication you set the standards for your team. Therefore, maintaining productivity, providing motivation, and having fun, gives your team the grounds to follow suit. The way you treat your employees is directly reflected in the way they interact with you. Be the employee you want on your team.
If you would like to learn more about how to manage a remote team, check out this very insightful ebook compiled by Hubstaff.
Encourage work/life balance
Working employees to death will only lead to high turnover and perpetual apathy. Instead, encourage your team to prioritize their own health and happiness. Sometimes a mental health day is necessary after that huge push to finish a project on a tight deadline. When your team is in tip-top shape, they’ll be far more productive. Just like a plant, you need to nurture your team. If you only give them the bare essentials, they’ll do well, but if you give them extra support in their personal lives, they’ll flourish.
Encourage everyone on the team to lead a meeting…
…or teach the group something new, as a part of a weekly meeting. At Mailbird, we rotate which person on each of our teams will be presenting business updates. You can mould this idea to fit any group or meeting. This brings your remote team together for a number of reasons. It allows them to take meeting responsibilities, even though they’re not in the office. Additionally, it creates an environment conducive to learning. People retain information when they teach it to someone else, so it’s beneficial for all parties.
Be respectful and flexible to different cultures and mindsets.
There are often many ways to reach the same solution. Keeping an open mind to learning about each other’s differences builds a strong team bond. This understanding fosters the notion that everyone has the support of all team members.